Italian Cobb Salad



I have been craving salads and I have been craving Italian summer food. This is the time I usually get to work and live in Europe for 6 months, but this year I can’t because I have a real job:)

So I thought I would bring some Italian food into my American world. This is a simple salad with a bunch of goodies from my organic garden.

Rocket: A Handful of rocket. This is similar to arugula, but I like it better. It grows very well and quickly.

Mozzarella di Bufala: You can buy it at Publix. One will do. It is expensive but it is amazing.

Sliced Turkey: 2 slices.

Half raw zucchini sliced really thin.

One spoon of tapenade olive spread paste

Prosciutto crudo (2 slices) or coppa

one tomato (sliced)

Olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper.

Sliced all the ingredients and places them in glass container or tray. I brought it to work so I put it in a glass container. You can alter one slice of tomato with one slice of mozzarella, place all your zucchini in the middle and your meat on a side. Sprinkle with tapenade and olive oil and you are done.