Frittata with onions

This is such an easy and rewarding recipe. I made it at night and brought it in the office. I also left half at home for late nights when I don’t feel like cooking. I am sorry I don’t have pictures. I have been cooking many dishes without taking pictures. I know it is not very appealing to a reader, but I guess suck it up because the food is good. I am definitely going to make this recipe again so I will update this page next time.

Frittata x 2 

6 eggs (if you are concerned about cholesterol use only white eggs)

2 small onions (the ones that look like scallions but are bigger)

Olive oil

shredded mozzarella (1/2 cup)

1/4 heavy cream organic of course and grass fed

Slice the onions/shallots (2 are enough for me) so that they are thin. Beat the eggs, add heavy cream, salt, pepper, and cheese. Heat the oil that needs to cover the skillet and place the onions until they are brown. Then add the eggs and cook on low heat. When one of the side is ready (brownish/gold) flip the frittata with a plate and cook the other side.

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